The rack collection system
The racks delivered to you are left without charge for 30 days.If you have not contacted BE Logistik within 30 days to have the racks collected, from the 35th day onwards, you will be requested by BE Logistik, to make the empty frames available so that they can be picked up for return on the next round trip.
If by the 50th day you have not notified BE Logistik that the racks are empty, BE Bauelemente will invoice you Euro 270,- net per rack.
You have 80 days from the delivery date to return the racks. To do this BE Logistik requires notification from you. After they have been returned in good order, BE Bauelemente will credit the previously invoiced amount to your account.
After 80 days we will assume that you wish to keep the racks. Thereafter, return is no longer possible.